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Estuary Herbs



Regular price $42.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $42.00 USD
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An herbal blend for supporting the immune system and ear, nose, and throat wellness.

Traditionally used to promote the body’s immune defenses while soothing pain and discomfort.

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Imbalance addressed: Shao Yang disorder with water rheum (damp heat)

Formula Action: Harmonize Shao Yang, warm interior, transform water rheum (damp heat)

Base formula: Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang (Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig and Dried Ginger Decoction)

Ingredients*: Chai hu, Gui zhi, Gan jiang, Mu li, Zhi gan cao, Huang qin, Tian hua fen (Chinese thoroughwax, cinnamon, dried ginger, oyster shell, honey stir-fried licorice root, trichosanthes root)

Additional, symptomatic herbs: cang zhu, xin yi hua (red atractylodes, magnolia bud)

Source Text(s): Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage), Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet)

Additional ingredients: Filtered water, Non-GMO cane sugar alcohol

*Organic, Non-GMO herbs are used whenever available, all herbs used undergo rigorous laboratory testing to ensure they are free from possible impurities or contaminants.

∞These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is for educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ALLERGEN WARNING:    Our products are made in a facility where common allergens are handled and may contain or come into contact with common allergens such as soybeans, tree nuts, shellfish or wheat. 

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