Chinese Medicine

Late Summer: The Fifth Season

Late Summer: The Fifth Season

Late Summer is the 5th season recognized by Chinese Medicine. It takes place at the end of Summer and just before Autumn.  This is the most humid and damp time of...

Late Summer: The Fifth Season

Late Summer is the 5th season recognized by Chinese Medicine. It takes place at the end of Summer and just before Autumn.  This is the most humid and damp time of...

Chinese Medicine's take on therapeutic SWEATING with the seasons

Chinese Medicine's take on therapeutic SWEATING...

the answer to the questions “I thought sweating was good for us, aren’t we supposed to sweat every day?” is… “ it depends”.

Chinese Medicine's take on therapeutic SWEATING...

the answer to the questions “I thought sweating was good for us, aren’t we supposed to sweat every day?” is… “ it depends”.